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Getting Started

To start with the tutorial there are two options:

and follow the steps:

  1. Prepare specification

    We start with defining kinds of the elements in our architecture.
    We need only two - actor and system:

    specification {
    element actor
    element system
  2. Create model

    Start with top-level and define the model:

    specification {
    element actor
    element system
    model {
    customer = actor 'Customer'
    saas = system 'Our SaaS'

    These are the first elements of our architecture model.
    Let’s add details.

  3. Add hierarchy

    Assume our system has two main components - ui and backend.
    We add a new kind to the specification and update the model.

    specification {
    element actor
    element system
    element component
    model {
    customer = actor 'Customer'
    saas = system 'Our SaaS' {
    component ui
    component backend
  4. Add relationships

    Any links between elements (i.e. interactions, calls, delegations, dependencies, flows). You are free to define them as you like.

    In the model:

    specification {
    element actor
    element system
    element component
    model {
    customer = actor 'Customer'
    saas = system 'Our SaaS' {
    component ui
    component backend
    // UI fetches data from the Backend
    ui -> backend
    // Customer uses the UI
    customer -> ui 'opens in browser'
  5. Create first diagram

    Diagrams are rendered from views, and views are projections of the model defined by predicates (what to include/exclude).

    Start with bird’s eye view (“Landscape”):

    specification {
    element actor
    element system
    element component
    model {
    customer = actor 'Customer'
    saas = system 'Our SaaS' {
    component ui
    component backend
    // UI fetches data from the Backend
    ui -> backend
    // Customer uses the UI
    customer -> ui 'opens in browser'
    views {
    view index {
    include *

    We got this:

    landscape view

  6. Add more views
    specification {
    element actor
    element system
    element component
    model {
    customer = actor 'Customer'
    saas = system 'Our SaaS' {
    component ui
    component backend
    // UI requests data from the Backend
    ui -> backend
    // Customer uses the UI
    customer -> ui 'opens in browser'
    views {
    view index {
    include *
    view of saas {
    include *

    Imagine, we zoom in to saas element, and see nested elements and their relationships:

    saas view

  7. Enrich model

    Let’s add descriptions, define the shape of the ui and add a label to the relationship ui -> backend

    specification {
    element actor
    element system
    element component
    model {
    customer = actor 'Customer' {
    description 'The regular customer of the system'
    saas = system 'Our SaaS' {
    component ui 'Frontend' {
    description 'Nextjs application, hosted on Vercel'
    style {
    icon tech:nextjs
    shape browser
    component backend 'Backend Services' {
    description '
    Implements business logic
    and exposes as REST API
    // UI fetches data from the Backend
    ui -> backend 'fetches via HTTPS'
    // Customer uses the UI
    customer -> ui 'opens in browser'
    views {
    view index {
    title 'Landscape view'
    include *
    view of saas {
    include *
    style customer {
    color muted

    The saas view after changes:

    saas view after changes

  8. Add changes

    Let’s change the description of the customer and the label of customer -> ui

    specification {
    element actor
    element system
    element component
    model {
    customer = actor 'Customer' {
    description 'The regular customer of the system'
    description 'Our dear customer'
    saas = system 'Our SaaS' {
    component ui 'Frontend' {
    description 'Nextjs application, hosted on Vercel'
    style {
    icon tech:nextjs
    shape browser
    component backend 'Backend Services' {
    description '
    Implements business logic
    and exposes as REST API
    // UI requests data from the Backend
    ui -> backend 'fetches via HTTPS'
    // Customer uses the UI
    customer -> ui 'opens in browser'
    customer -> saas 'enjoys our product'
    views {
    view index {
    title 'Landscape view'
    include *
    view of saas {
    include *
    style customer {
    color muted

    View index:

    landscape view after changes

    View saas:

    saas view after changes

  9. Try it yourself

    Play with this tutorial in playground and try to add the following:

    • change shape of the customer element
    • add a database (with storage shape) and tables like customers and orders (what relationships should be added?)
    • add an external system, like Stripe, and show how the backend might interact with it